The Reformulation of Ethnological Sources and Orientalist Discourse in Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King


  • Christopher E. Koy University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice


Edward Said, Orientalist discourse, Melville Herskovics, Stereotypes, Colonialism, Saul Bellow, Henderson the Rain King


When Saul Bellow composed his renowned novel Henderson the Rain King fifty years ago, his undergraduate studies of anthropology under the Africanist Melville Herskovics exerted a significant influence. This paper considers the sources of many of Bellow’s descriptions of East and West African tribes in the novel. Where Bellow diverts from these sources, his changes will be considered in light of Edward Said’s concept of ”Orientalist discourse” as set out in Orientalism.


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How to Cite

Koy, C. E. (2008). The Reformulation of Ethnological Sources and Orientalist Discourse in Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King. American & British Studies Annual, 1, 25–40. Retrieved from


