Of Stories and Men: Discursive Self-fashioning and the Confessional Narrative of Love and Self-hatred in Louis de Bernières’ A Partisan’s Daughter


  • Petr Chalupský Charles University


narration, male testimonial, mid-life crisis, identity self-fashioning, storytelling, personal and official history


Louis de Bernières is known especially for his international bestseller Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (1994) and the historical saga Birds Without Wings (2004). His most recent novel, A Partisan’s Daughter (2008), represents a strikingly different kind of writing, much more subtle and intimate and therefore less ambitious in terms of its plot construction and thematic structure. Through the use of diverse narrative and stylistic techniques, particularly that of the male mock-testimonial, de Bernières manages to explore many of the thematic concerns of his previous works as well as several new ones.


Barnacle, Hugo. “A Partisan’s Daughter by Louis de Bernières.” The Sunday Times 9 March, 2008 (accessed 3 June, 2011), http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/fiction/article3485911.ece

Bentley, Nick (ed). British Fiction of the 1990s, London: Routledge, 2005.

Briscoe, Joanna. “Coffee with Roza.” The Guardian 1 March, 2008 (accessed 3 June, 2011), http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/mar/01/fiction.louisdebernieres

Clements, Toby. “Louis de Bernières: Incest amid fratricides.” The Telegraph 15 March, 2008 (accessed 3 June, 2011), http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/fictionreviews/ 3671674/Louis-de-Bernieres-Incest-amid-fratricides.html

de Bernières, Louis. A Partisan’s Daughter. London: Vintage Books, [2008] 2009.

Finkelnstein, Joanne. The Art of Self-Invention. London: I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2007.

House, Christian. “A Partisan’s Daughter, by Louis de Bernières.” The Independent 16 March, 2008 (accessed 3 June, 2011), http://www.independent.co.uk/artsentertainment/books/reviews/a-partisans-daughter-by-louis-de-berniegraveres795531.html

Merritt, Stephanie. “When a dullard meets a temptress.” The Guardian 24 February, 2008 (accessed 3 June, 2011), http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/feb/24/fiction.louisdebernieres

Moore-Gilbert, Bart. Hanif Kureishi. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2001.

Ranasinha, Ruvani. Hanif Kureishi. Devon: Northcote House, 2002.

Schillinger, Liesl. “A Dishonest Woman.” The New York Times 2 November, 2008 (accessed 3 June , 2011), http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/02/books/review/Schillinger-t.html?pagewanted=1

Vine, Sarah. “A Partisan’s Daughter by Louis de Bernières.” The Times 7 March, 2008 (accessed 3 June, 2011), http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article3504162.ece




How to Cite

Chalupský, P. (2011). Of Stories and Men: Discursive Self-fashioning and the Confessional Narrative of Love and Self-hatred in Louis de Bernières’ A Partisan’s Daughter. American & British Studies Annual, 4, 45–56. Retrieved from https://absa.upce.cz/index.php/absa/article/view/2188


