Feet on the Ground: W.H. Auden’s Late Landscapes


  • Ladislav Vít University of Pardubice


W.H. Auden, landscape, place, history, nature, culture


This paper focuses on the concept of landscape in the post-war poetry of W.H. Auden. Its aim is to define the nature of changes from Auden’s earlier poetry. By the 1950s the dynamism and vehemence of Auden’s ideological quest had substantially withered. While some of his poetic landscapes from this period refer to particular geographical locations, they remain sites for the poet’s grappling with issues that are placeless, borderless and common to man regardless of his environment and specific culture. What disappears, however, is the desire for escape from one place to another – the hallmark of Auden’s early poetry.


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Auden, Wystan Hugh. The Complete Works of W.H. Auden, Volume I, Prose 1926-1938. Edited by Edward Mendelson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996.

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Fuller, John. W.H. Auden: A Commentary. London: Faber and Faber, 2007.

Fuller, John. “Writing Auden’s Commentary.” Auden Society, n.d. Accessed 19 April, 2010. http://www.audensociety.org/14newsletter.html.

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Mendelson, Edward. Preface to The English Auden, by Wystan Hugh Auden, xiii-xxiii. London: Faber and Faber, 1988.

Quinn, Justin. “On Audenstrasse.” unpublished essay. Replogle, Justin. Auden’s Poetry. London: Methuen & Co Ltd., 1969.

Scarfe, Francis. Auden and After: The Liberation of Poetry 1930-1941. London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1942.

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How to Cite

Vít, L. (2014). Feet on the Ground: W.H. Auden’s Late Landscapes. American & British Studies Annual, 7, 145–156. Retrieved from https://absa.upce.cz/index.php/absa/article/view/2253


